Activate your club iWatt account

Right here on the web.

Motivate members and fans of the club to send iWatts.

Use iWatt CLUB BOX and different communication formats.

Get a real financial reward

Competition sponsor sends a financial reward to the club´s account number

Get the fund for your club

Are you a member, coach or owner of a sports club? Some money come handy for sports equipment, camps, jerseys? Don't wait for any help from above. Thanks to iWatt, it will come from everyone who loves sports and exercise. And not once, but regularly. For clubs of all sizes from all over Slovakia.

Create an iWatt community

Engage all members of your club and people who cheer you!

Chance several times a year

We give a sponsorship gift in euros regularly several times a year. The money will be awarded to the clubs that receive the most iWatts from their active members and fans at the end of the club competition.

For small and big clubs

Everything depends on the activity and movement. The chances are set so that no club is favored and everyone has a chance to get interesting funding.

Learn more here